aqua poppy desgins

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post #1 Who I am.

I am a recent graduate of the University of Alabama (August 7, 2010 ROLL TIDE!)  with a Bachelor of Science in Commerce and Business Administration. I am twenty-three years old, and I working, but I am not allowed to tell you where (ha). I have an amazing family (I just moved BACK in with my awesome parents after 4 wonderful years away) I have two older brothers, a sister-in law, two adorable nephews, a sister and brother-in-law, and two beautiful nieces! I am truly blessed with some very wonderful people in my life who lift the Lord up in their families and live for him and his will in their lives daily.

The most important thing I can tell you that I would hope I wouldn't have to (that it would just be known) is that I love the Lord with all of my heart and soul. My second year in Tuscaloosa I found an amazing group of people who worshiped together in a back yard (freezing cold or burning hot they were there). It was a group of guys, radically saved and changed by God, who wanted to share what God had done for them in their lives. They just wanted everyone to know this incredible Savior who could redeem us and give us an eternal life in Heaven. A God that is always there, comforting, guiding, and teaching us as we go through our day to day activities. A God that is perfect and pure, reasonable and understanding. This "Backyard" ministry grew, made its way into a church, and is now a college ministry on the campus of the University of Alabama led by students. UNASHAMED based off of Romans 1:16, "For I am unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, for it is the power of God for the salvation of those who believe, . . ." changed my life.
You can also watch UNASHAMED LIVE every Thursday at 8:00
I am currently back home (as mentioned earlier) in Pleasant Grove. I have finally been able to see my long time best friend Brandi on a regular basis and have been attending church with her and her mom at the Pleasant Grove Church of the Nazarene. This church is one that I never knew anything about. I passed it almost daily heading to and from different places, but was a member elsewhere and just never really gave it the thought. I didn't know what I was missing! I have been blessed to be a member of the "Oasis" Sunday School class for "young marrieds and singles." I feel completely overwhelmed with love from a group of people that I have not known more than a few months. Immediately I was accepted in and grew into this little family that we have formed. It is not a group that only sees one another on Sunday mornings. Wednesday nights, weekends, weeknights. . .  whenever something is going on, you can bet there is a group somewhere hanging out to watch a football game or playing a game of catch phrase.

Although I am truly loving being home with my parents and seeing my high school friends and being apart of this amazing church family,  I cannot help but to miss everyone in Tuscaloosa. I grew into a new person in the four years I spent there. I went through so many different things, conquered fears, made mistakes, learned from those mistakes, made several choices and decisions that have and will affect my future, made new friends that I will cherish forever, and I was a part of a ministry that I will always carry with me. I loved unashamed and made the dearest friends that I could have ever asked for in Tuscaloosa. Rachel, Jackie, and Brownie will always be my "Happies"and several others that I could not start to name for fear of forgetting one, but I hope they know who they are, are constantly on my mind and in my prayers. But I do know that God has glory and a plan in all things. So while I am here, I am going to live with His joy and make the best of it!

I also had some AWESOME roommates while I was in Tuscaloosa. The three and then four of us have gone through some very interesting times together! It was four years (with Whitney), three (with Layne), and two (with Jessica) that I will NEVER forget. I miss having them at home, or coming in at some point in the day or night and laughing and cutting up for hours. Oh and the puggies... So many memories I could start listing. It is amazing the things that I look back on and wish that I could go back to. Take FULL advantage of the time that you have to share with ALL of your friends is my one piece of advice. You never know how much you will miss when they are not around.

What else can I tell you all? 
I am going back to school to get my nursing degree. Two months before I graduated (Major: Health Care Management) I was told that I probably wouldn't even be considered for the job that I wanted without it. Once finishing my second degree, to make the first worth anything, I am STILL not quite finished. I will also need to get my MBA and/or MHA. Yay for so much school. I am also considering getting my PhD in something. Since I am going to be in school for a while, might as well be a doctor of something :D (but that is just something to laugh about for right now, not really too sure that it will happen)

Lamentations 3:22-24
"The unfailing love of the LORD never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore I will hope in him!"

1 comment:

  1. My D. I'm so glad you've started doing this! Now I can keep up with you. haha! I definitely miss you... and I'll never have another Valentine's Day without thinking about that time we put balloons in your room. HA! Lily says hello. We can't wait till you post again. We will be reading!! Love you!!
